Hot Tub Services in Geneva & St. Charles, IL
DIAGNOSIS – Getting to the bottom of any and all problems associated with your spa and finding the most cost-effective measure to remedy the issues.
LEAK DETECTION – Leaks can be a troublesome issue. We can trace leaks, and sometimes fix on the spot!
COVER REPLACEMENT – We work with the best in cover manufacturing, and are able to provide a replacement cover for any make and model.
HOT TUB MOVES – Buying a new home, and want to take your spa with you? No worries! we offer spa moves by some of the most efficient in house guys around!
HOT TUB REMOVALS – Is that old tub tired, and ready to go? We offer a spa removal service to get rid of it for you. Then, come on in and look at some replacement models!

Hot Tub MAINTENANCE in Geneva & St. Charleson, IL
Winterizing – Don’t want to keep the spa running year round? We can help! proper winterization is important to have your spa operational when you are ready to use it in spring. We drain the spa, evacuate all of the water from the lines, and go the extra step by adding anti-freeze for added protection.
Maintenance Plans – We offer weekly, bi weekly, and monthly service plans. During our visit, we check water chemistry, and balance accordingly. Spa surfaces are sanitized, and mechanicals are checked for proper function.